
SCL benefits from close working relationships with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) and Sandwell Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). SCL seeks to help these groups have access to the additional resources and opportunities available to them through local churches.

Because of the strong links SCL has with the local authority we are able to facilitate the networking of groups with similar interests and aspirations and can also enable groups working ‘on the ground’ to have direct contact with policy makers and those responsible for commissioning services.

SCL has close links with two other organisations that operate within two of the Church of England Diocesan areas that are within Sandwell. Transforming Communities Together (Lichfield) and Thrive Together (Birmingham) have had a significant role in helping to get Sandwell Churches Link into a new phase of working and with them we are part of the Together Network.

Our local partners include the Love Sandwell network of churches which also gather together town based prayer networks that help build relationship and promote social action

SCL has received funding in the last three years from : -

  • Thrive Together
  • Transforming Communities Together
  • Church Urban Fund
  • Edward Cadbury Trust;
  • Eveson Trust
  • Sustain
  • The Walter Stanley Trust
  • Benefact Trust
Benefact trust 2022

Allchurches Trust

Allchurches has been a major contributor to our work. Please click here to go to their website.

Church Urban Fund Logo Square

The Church Urban Fund

We work in collaboration with CUF and are part of the Together Network

CUF website link

Together Network website link